16 Color Bases
Black & White: Basic - A simple black & white
Black & White: Nostalgic Film - With heavy rich blacks and an overall matte lift, this action transforms digital images to look like film images
Black & White: Rich - Boosted blacks & whites with heavy shadows, slightly reduced highlights, and a deep contrast pop
Black & White: Soft - Soft blacks & whites with deep lifted shadows, and reduced highlights
Blooming Blossoms - Exposure pop with peachy highlights and boosted saturation
Cooling Dusk - Cooling overtones on top of reduced highlights, lifted shadows, and an exposure drop
Pastel Spring Evening - Cold shadows and soft pink highlights
Rainbows - Image color expansion that includes rainbow hues, pink highlights, cool shadows, and rich saturation
Raspberry Sangria - Deep, rich and raspberry toned, with custom exposure adjustments and soft pink overlays
Seasonal Dream Booster - Advanced softening
Seasonal Wash - Rich red shadows and magenta highlights, with adjusted yellow tones and a contrast pop
Soft Warm Dusk - Exposure drops couples with a soft, warm overlay.
Summer Solstice - A very clean look with adjusted yellow tones, warm overlays, a contrast pop, and heavily lifted shadows
Warm Golden Evening - Rich, warming filters with a slight drop in exposure; perfect to transform from day to summer’s eve
Warm Peach Evening - Warm peach overtones and cooling shadows, with a slight drop in exposure
Warm Spring Day - Hazy warm tones with a boost to reds, a drop to the yellows, and an added contrast pop
Wildflowers - A warm saturated wash of reds & oranges along with slightly lifted shadows, reduced highlights, and a small exposure dip
7 Color Overlays
Warm, cool, pink, teal, purple, fire, pastel
6 Sunburst Overlays
Warm half sunrise/sunset, red half sunrise/sunset, sunburst (light, warm, fire, red)
9 Seasonal Enhancements
Earth & sky dodge & burn, rain overlay (small, medium, large, foreground), seasonal dream booster (light, heavy), highlight glow overlay (light, heavy)
22 Brushes
Enhance depth of field (light, heavy), warming (shadows, highlights), cooling (shadows, highlights), boost saturation (light, heavy), saturation reduction, increase drama (light, heavy), reduce drama (light, heavy), floral color change (yellows to green, oranges to green, greens to yellow), floral saturation pop, sky color shift (navy blues, cyans, purples), sky enhance (blue sky & clouds, sunset & clouds)
Luxe 40 Action Toolkit
3 Quick Access Items: Duplicate Image, Flatten All Layers, Flatten All Layers to New Layer
21 General Workflow: Auto Histogram Fix, Exposure (Increase, Decrease), Contrast (Increase, Decrease), Depth Contrast, Highlight (Booster, Dimmer, Recovery), Midtone (Booster, Dimmer), Shadow (Booster, Cruncher, Recovery), Temperature (Warmer, Cooler), Saturation (Increase, Decrease), Haze (Add, Remove), Dodge & Burn
6 Grain Actions: Normal Grain (Low, Medium, High), Film Grain (Low, Medium, High)
10 Final Sharpening Actions: Basic & Pro LAB: Full Size, 2500px, 1500px, 750px, 72dpi (Web)